New work ,Envy, and updated photos of last two – pieces 8 July 2015


Envy 1

Always good to start a new painting.

This was a completely random photo of my daughter and a friend at a wedding and I just thought it made an excellent composition. The woman adjusting her new glitzy shoes is happily gazing into the mid-distance dreaming. Well actually, at the moment she doesn’t, she looks like a mad woman, but stick with me over the next few weeks I will get it right! Her friend, however, is looking covetously at the shiny shoes, even though she has her own (probably new) shoes. The title ‘Envy’ just jumped out at me,  or possibly ‘Wedding Shoe Envy’, not sure yet. We all have so many pairs of shoes in our wardrobes, but a woman can never have enough of them. I do promise this will be the last painting relating to shoes for a while….

As regards colour, in the photo the colours are rather sombre, and I don’t do sombre if I can help it. The dress on the left therefore, will probably be a brilliant turquoisoe and I think the wedding chairs will be lilac with a sheen to them. At the moment the woman on the right has a white dress, but I think I will probably add some colour to that. I have also introduced a curtain behind her head to bring in some more colour, but that may not stay. This is why I so love being an artist, I can use my imagination to create the colours and effects I want.

Waiting      Modern Blonde

I have very slightly amended these two paintings and think I have the colour right now on the photos, as I was not totally happy with last weeks’ pictures. A very slight adjustment to ‘Waiting’s’ nose and chin, and a slight touch of highlight to one of the Modern Blondes!! They are now updated onto my website.

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