New work in progress – 22 Jan 2015


Twitter: @MicheWatkins

I have started two new pieces this week, as I was keen to use my new and wonderful Michael Harding paints. The colours are so bright and vibrant and coupled with my Rosemary & Co brushes which I also love, I was ready to get going.

The first painting, The Tour Guide, is inspired by a photo I took when I was in Prague wandering around Old Square with my camera.  I spent a couple of hours just photographing people doing stuff and then saw this Tour Guide standing alone.  She looked to me a bit forlorn,The Tour GuideRelaxing waiting and hoping for people to come up to her, but maybe I imagined that – anyway it seemed to be a good composition in my head.  The umbrella was orange, so I took my inspiration from that.  I very rarely use browns and blacks in my work, preferring blues, purples and dark mauves to achieve similar effects.  Then I mix up the complementary colours to get the desired painting I am after – so in this case yellows and bright turquoise.  I am liking how this painting is turning out, but early days yet – time to make lots of mistakes!

The second painting, Relaxing, is a much smaller work, 8×6″ and I am doing a series of these smaller works, to discipline myself from being too loose with my paints.  I love painting in a more impressionist manner but (because I am so impatient) this can result in a slapdash style if I am not too careful, so getting out the smaller brushes and paying more attention to details is what is needed sometimes.  Both styles can look great, as long as I put thought into them!  Again, this is only the start of the painting. More next week, hopefully,.

I am available for Skype tutorials on a one to one basis for help with any painting problems.  Please see my last Blog January 2015 for more details. I am always interested in feedback by the way.

Thanks.   Miche


  1. January 23, 2015 by lesliemeeks

    Your work is beautiful.

  2. January 23, 2015 by michewatkins

    Thank you Leslie for liking my blog and my work. I have just had a look at your blog and your writing is wonderful! I have zilch talent in the writing department. Even thinking up titles for my paintings defeats me sometimes… I found the Let Her Go article very moving, thank you for sharing your blog

  3. January 23, 2015 by lesliemeeks

    You’re most welcome and thank you for reading. I just dabble here and there. I look forward to viewing more of your work. Smiles

  4. January 23, 2015 by michewatkins

    Thank you too 🙂

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