New work, Week 1, untitled so far. 5 August 2015


A Beth

After struggling so hard with my last painting (‘Envy’ see previous Blog) because of no defined light source, I am really enjoying this new work.  Very early days yet, but I have a good feeling about it.  I was really pleased with the composition of ‘Envy’ and the end result worked, but this painting feels so easy in comparison.

So….my studio is relatively small, and is also where I live, so am mostly confined to photographs to work from.  In an ideal world, I would always work from life, but this is just not possible at the moment (I need a gallery to take me on lol) so photos rule for now.

I teach life drawing locally, and asked one of my models to come and pose for me in a series of poses that I set up and this is the result of one of them.  I shall emphasise the lights and darks more as I go on – again Caravaggio comes to mind here – and I have put more red into the model’s top to bring in an element of colour interest.

As yet this work is untitled, and I would welcome help here if anyone has any ideas.  I do, however, want to place a gold wedding ring on the table, so the viewer can look at it and wonder what is happening.  Is the woman just being neat and tidy as she puts on her make up, or is she about to embark on an affair?  Who knows….

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