‘Waiting, Wishing, Wanting’ completed. Happy New Year ! 1 Jan 2016


Waiting, Wishing, Wanting websiteA very happy new year to you all and thank you for your support as I go along with my great passion, my art. I am very excited about 2016 artwise for me and will tell you more as I go along.

This piece, ‘Waiting, Wishing, Wanting’ is now finished and available on the website. I have been making use of glazes to get the depth of tone that I wanted and think I have achieved the right effect. Having the light source coming from one side makes for a more interesting composition and I want to work more along these lines.

My next work is going to be a redhead and I am very excited about this. I have wanted to paint a redhead for sometime and had someone in mind to model for me, but in the meantime, Thomas Snow (@snowglobeman) one of my great supporters on Twitter asked whether I would like to use his wife as a model who is….a redhead. As a result, he has sent me some wonderful images of his beautiful wife and I am very excited to be able to start a painting of her as my next work. Watch this space, and thank you Tom and Natalie.

I shall be sending out my first Newsletter this month, so if you would like to be kept up to date with what I am up, please sign up for this Newsletter; details are at the top of the Home page.

I have also added the facility of being able to Share a painting of mine on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, so if you would like other people/friends/family etc to see one of my paintings you like, just press the relevant button by the side of said painting. Modern technology eh?!

A very happy, peaceful and prosperous 2016 to everyone.  Cheers.

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