‘Bedsit Dining’ completed. 15 June 2016



This work is now completed and is oil on board, 14 x 10″. I have had fun the last couple of days linking in colours to bring the piece together. A touch of red from the peppers and toaster has been added to the girl’s hair as has a touch of the brilliant turquoise that is in her dress.

I don’t normally spend so much time on the details as with this painting, but have truly loved painting in all the fresh colours of the peppers and the toaster.  The two bottles as well have come alive now all the highlights no shadows are in.

Decided against adding in any more objects on the work surface as I think it would have made the composition too cluttered.

Overall, having wanted to abandon this piece twice, I have become increasingly fond of this painting and am so glad I persevered. I wish I made my life easier sometimes…

Next week I think it is time for another blonde, so watch this space.

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