‘Is He With Her Now’ week 2. July 6. 2016



‘At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can’.  Frida Kahlo

I put this up today as it is Frida Kahlo’s birthday and she was so inspirational to me as a self taught artist, something not easy to be I find sometimes.  The words are very true for all of us, not just artists, and female artists at that, who have always had it tough anyway.

So to week 2 for this work and working up the colour before I get into the detail. There is an interesting exhibition just beginning in London of David Hockney’s latest portraits and I have been struck by the similarity in the colours I am using to his palette, entirely coincidental, although I have always been a fan of his colours and ideas.

I need to get the hands right by next week, as I really want to give the impression of tension in these hands.  This woman is beautiful ( under that hat !) and has a charmed life I would imagine, but to my mind she is worrying about where her husband is and who he is with……what do you think? I wanted to hide her face in case she was upset,  but the hands will be the giveaway.

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  1. July 10, 2016 by David J. Rogers

    Your woman is mysterious and enticing. You have given yourself an interesting problem to work on–expressing stress in her hands, and I can see that coming along. Another excellent piece of work in the making.

  2. July 21, 2016 by Miche

    Thank you David and my apologies for late reply as have been disabled by back pain, back on track now though! Yes, difficult to show the stress in this woman’s body language, but I think I have managed to get it right now. The finished work and blog will be up on the site tomorrow. I wanted to show that even beautiful women suffer low esteem and lack of confidence sometimes, as of course do men, but I find it easier to paint women!

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