New work, week 2. 2 Nov 2016



I think this painting will benefit from a slightly looser style as I do not want to paint in all the detail in the background. Painting in the people, the shutters and windows etc will take the eye away from the main composition which is the couple, she in her brilliant yellow dress.   I will, however, put some more emphasis on the Arena as it is such a spectacular building.

Shadows will be important and I am making use of the complimentary colours on the Colour Wheel used by artists everywhere.  So against the lemon yellow of the dress I will use my favourite shades of blue, purple and light blue for the foreground and the same in the Arena, although adding in a touch of Naples Yellow and Burnt Sienna here.  Michael Harding paints are so wonderful for this sort of work as the pigments are amazing, so jewel like in comparison to other paints. More expensive, but worth the layout.

The view, by the way, is Verona in Italy where I spent a great couple of days on my way through from Milan by train to Venice.  I hadn’t planned to stop off here, it was an impulse decision and am truly glad I did. A typically beautiful, old Italian city. I sat on a bench and watched the world and then saw this young girl in her luminous yellow dress….

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