‘Don’t Be A Dick’. Work in progress. 29.03.17



My apologies for no blog for a couple of weeks.  I have ongoing back problems which are affecting my ability to paint as much as I did.

I was also away in Cape Town on a working holiday and have come back inspired by the colours, warmth and enthusiasm of Africa as always.  Cape Town is a vibrant melting pot of art, and I met some wonderful talented artists on my trip.    I have a mass of photos to work from and the first is shown here.

It is larger than previous works (80 x 80cm) and I am painting it for the gallery in Cape Town that takes my work, State Of The Art,  It is mainly a successful online gallery but now has a physical presence on Shortmarket Street.  If you are in CT, go in and have a look at the great work on show there, a lot of figurative art which is always good to see.

This photo is taken from the gallery looking across to the local cafe opposite called House of Machines.  There will be more reflections in the window of the cafe as I work the painting up.  The woman in the picture is my daughter who was unaware of what a perfect composition she made for me!   I will probably simplify down some of the people and objects in the background as I think that would detract from the overall impression I am trying to achieve.

Painting so much larger means bigger brushes therefore a looser style which I am looking forward to doing. Was getting too tight in my style recently, which didn’t help my back pain one bit.

Next month is ArtExpo in New York where I will be exhibiting with Steidel Fine Art, If you are in or around New York April 21-24, please go along to Pier 94 and introduce yourself to Max Chapman who will be happy to show you around my work.

If you would like to be kept up to date with what I am up to in the next couple of months, please sign up for my Newsletter at the top of the Home Page.  I send these out quarterly. I am also on Instagram and Twitter and have a Facebook page called Miche Artist as well as my usual Facebook page.

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