Work in progress, second detail. 30.08.18


So this is the second part of a painting I started recently.  Last week’s Blog explains the first part.   There is still work to do on this part of the painting.  I need to get my straight lines straighter, the ground knocked back more, highlights on the dress and hair, etc, etc.  Being an artist is difficult for me sometimes as I am so impatient.  I have the idea and enthusiasm to start a new piece, I get completely in to the painting, but then I want the painting finished so I can move on to the next idea.  However, the details in the finish are essential to complete the work and ‘make it sing’ as an art tutor told me a long time ago.  So next week, the fluorescent oil paints will come into play to lift the painting (found online as they are impossible to buy in the UK for some reason, acrylics no problem, oils impossible).

I am now on a deadline to produce work for RoysPeopleArtFair to be held in London at The Oxo Tower 1-4 November.  I am very excited about this, but my problem always is that oil paint takes a while to dry whereas acrylic is almost instant.  I seem, as usual, to have taken the hard route in life.   So I need to get my arse in gear.

If you would like to be kept up to date with what I am doing in the next few weeks please sign up for my Newsletter at the top of the Home page. I am also on Twitter, Instagram and have a Facebook page called Miche Artist as well as my usual Facebook page.  Feel free to get in touch.


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