‘La Dolce Vita’ 16 March 2016


Dolce Vita

This is a relatively small piece, oil on block canvas, 8 x 10 x 1.5 inches (20 x 25 x 4 cm)

One of my followers on Twitter sent me a link to a competition in The Hamptons, NY where water was the theme.  I was interested until I saw I only had about two weeks till the deadline and had decided this was impossible.  However I thought to myself, are you man or mouse?  You CAN do this, so I did, hence the smaller than usual size.

I have really enjoyed painting water, a first for me, and with the little time available, I realised I could not put a whole figure into the piece as flesh tones are notoriously difficult to get right (for me at least), so decided on legs only.  Add the trademark red shoes in, and I am very pleased with the result.  Even I do not get into the competition, it has pointed me in a new direction as I now want to paint a larger piece involving water and a whole female figure, with or without the red shoes….

Please have a look at to see more of my work.  I shall be showing my work with them at the Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead this June 13-16.

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