‘Moving On’ completed. 6 April 2016


A Moving On complete

4 different images were involved in this piece and then I used my imagination to work out what I wanted to portray.  For me it is a woman kicking up a splash as she metaphorically moves on from some situation in her life, be it a relationship issue, a job situation, or perhaps kicking back against ageing;  as always the viewer can make up his or her mind.

The painting of the shadows in the background was deliberate, as was the light shining on the water.  I had originally wanted to paint another swimming pool scene, but as the painting evolved, decided there was more depth (!) in a sea water painting than in a swimming pool, which is man made.  Having said that, I wonder if the ‘man made’ idea would have worked better for a relationship issue of Moving On.  Ah well, too late.

I have started my next painting, which is going to be a blonde woman brushing her hair set in half light.  I want this to complement my ‘Waiting, Wishing ‘Wanting’ work as I think a pair of women, one with dark hair, one with light, would work well – and the dark frame on ‘WWW’ is absolutely fab.  You will be able to see this at the Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead, London in mid June where I will be exhibiting with Opper & Webb.  Do come along.

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