‘Christmas is SO over’, week 4, 27 Jan 2016


A Nat

“I dream my painting and I paint my dream”, Van Gogh.

I get so excited when I start a new painting, because it is an idea I have had germinating in my mind for a while and I can’t wait to put paint on the canvas and paint my dream, exactly as Van Gogh said.

The photo for this work was kindly given to me by one of my Twitter friends, Tom Boulton (@snowglobeman on Twitter) who writes wonderfully evocative sensual poetry.  The photo is of his beautiful wife Natalie.  It is a great photo, but has presented me with a few problems.  Normally, I don’t necessarily concentrate on getting a likeness (I was a portrait painter in a former life) as I want to get on with the narrative side of my work.  However……I DO want to get a likeness this time for both Tom and Nat’s sake, so will be doing one more week’s work on the detail!  I am nearly there, but as with every artist I have ever known, we are always, always, trying to reach perfection and never seem to attain it…

I was so pleased to be part of Manhattan Arts International’s Featured Artist Showcase and as a result one of the paintings exhibited there sold this week to a collector in Florida.  I am thrilled about this – please do have a look at their website as there is so much good art on there for sale by talented artists.

If you would like to be kept up to date with my work and what I am up to, please sign up for the Newsletter at the top of the Home Page on my website.

Incidentally, to those of you who follow me on Twitter, I am attempting in the future to use Hootsuite to sent out my Tweets each week on my work with Blog attached.  I may well make several mistakes in the doing of this, so please bear with me as it will be worth it in the end I promise you!

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