Picking Up on an Uncertain World. 01.08.2018


This is my second piece in a series of three based on street art by the wonderful Alex Lucas (@lucas_antics on  Twitter).   The title comes from a street art by Alex called Uncertain World and the mollusc forms part of a larger artwork up on Park Row here in Bristol.

My take on this is to place my young woman picking up a discarded plastic bottle just in front of the mollusc which has an empty aerosol in its tentacles.   Plastic pollution is such a huge problem these days and I wanted to relate to this in my painting.

Along the same lines, the model (@stephbridet on Twitter, fabulous model) is wearing a gorgeous upcycled dress made by Linda Thomas, a local dress designer (@linda_eco_design) who works exclusively with upcycled material into which she stitches beautifully designs.

I am keen to promote local here and will continue to collaborate with local artists/models/designers as often as I can.  We creatives all need to support each other.

After the next piece, I will be working on London street art scenes as I build up to the London Art Fair at the Oxo Tower in  November.  More in a later blog.

If you would like to be kept up to date with what I am up to in the next few months please sign up for my Newsletter at the top of the Home page. I am also on Twitter, Instagram and have a Facebook page called Miche Artist.




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