Painting in the Pandemic. April 2020



These are difficult and and upsetting times.  Like everyone in the world at the moment, I am worried for the  future for myself, my loved ones,  the NHS, the list is endless.

What I have found very strange though at the moment, is that my art is suddenly selling very well.  I was not expecting this.    I can only put it down to this:  people are not able to go to pubs, clubs and restaurants etc.,  so they are at home looking at their social media.  They are looking at and buying art.  And they seem to like my fruit and veg paintings.   I  think this may be because they are small, affordable and fun.   They are also painted in cheerful bright colours.   Who knows?  But I am very grateful.   People are buying 2 or 3 to go in their kitchens.   They are asking me to paint specific subjects in specific colours;   I am happy to oblige.

The most recent request was for donuts !  The Krispy Kreme variety.  Why not?  They are colourful, cheerful and a bit of sugar in these uncertain times is perhaps no bad thing.

At the moment, I am supporting #artistsupportpledge.  Have a look at my Instagram page @michewatkins.  When I sell £1000 worth of paintings, I pledge to buy another artist’s work for £200.  Good idea,  no?

Keep safe everyone, this WILL pass.  In the meantime, buy some lovely art.




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