Updated blog for new work week 2, which now has a name! 21 Dec 2015



I had great feedback on Twitter etc on a name for this work and thank you to all who contributed. In the end I went with Waiting, Wishing, Wanting, which I think sums up perfectly what this young woman is feeling. Thank you to the person who contributed this title, you know who you are!

Which brings me to a quote from Edgar Degas : ‘Art is not what you see but what you make others see’.

I hope this is how people see my work as a narrative figurative artist and why I moved away from straight portraiture. I am painting a story  on which you, the viewer, can put your own interpretation. Art is of course subjective so I shall never please everyone!

I am truly delighted to have been accepted onto the online exhibition called New Beginnings with Manhattan Art International. Please have a look at to see more. Sorry I can’t seem to copy the link across for some reason but it is definitely worth a look.

I am also now showing my work with Clifton Fine Art in Bristol, so if you are in the area please do go in and have a look. A great gallery just up the road from the BRI Hospital so easy to find. They have my oil paintings on show and after Christmas are showing my Line Art as well.  Exciting times.

I am sending out this blog today instead of next Thursday partly because of the tech problems we had with the website (now resolved) and partly because of Christmas. I shall be blogging again on the 31 Dec so until then may I wish you all a very happy Christmas and thank you for all your support on the various social media sites which have really boosted my self esteem as a struggling artist.  I am beginning to believe in myself at last:-)






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