‘La Dolce Vita’ 16 March 2016

This is a relatively small piece, oil on block canvas, 8 x 10 x 1.5 inches (20 x 25 x 4 cm) One of my followers on Twitter sent me a link to a competition in The Hamptons, NY where water was the theme.  I was interested until I saw I only had about two weeks till the deadline and had decided this was impossible.  However I thought to myself, are you man or mouse?  You CAN do this, so I did, hence the smaller than usual size. I have really enjoyed painting water, a first for me, and with the little time available, I realised I could not put a whole figure into the piece as flesh tones are notoriously difficult to get right (for me at least), so decided on legs only.  Add the trademark red shoes in, and I am very pleased with the result.  Even I do not get into the competition, it has pointed me in a new direction as I now want to paint a larger piece involving water and a whole female figure, with or without the red shoes…. Please have a look at to see more of my work.  I shall…
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‘That Friday Feeling’ completed and available to buy. 9 March 2016

‘Art is not what you see, but what you make others see’.  Edgar Degas This is one of my favourite quotes and what I am always trying to achieve with these narrative, figurative works.  I am painting what I personally see, but I know and hope you, the viewer, will make up your own mind as to what is happening in the painting.  I used to paint solely portrait commissions, but discovered I was more interested in painting a story with my own interpretation stamped on it. I have finished the above piece with some alterations in the final week.  I have simplified the area around the three glasses, painting out the purse and a glass to the left of the painting, both of which I felt added nothing to the overall composition.  Best of all, for me, is adding what my tutor used to call ‘spirited touches’, my own additions of colour right at the end;  so a touch of the orange here and there and splashes of the turquoise on the leather jacket, the table and in the hair etc, all of which pull the composition together. Next week I shall be putting up a small piece I…
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‘That Friday Feeling’ week 3. 2 March 2016

The first thing I see as I look at this photographic image of my painting is that the girl looks as if she has a beard, something I didn’t notice from looking at the actual painting, and which will be sorted by next week 🙂 As an artist,  I get so absorbed in the painting of the piece that sometimes I just do not see the wood from the trees as I am too involved in the creating of the work and I am sure other artists will identify with this. This is when the camera is such a good tool. Taking a photo of the work will show up any areas that need resolving and which have not been noticed before. Strange how this works,  but it just does. It’s the same when I hold up the painting to a mirror or just hold it upside down, any points needing to be sorted out are shown up instantly. I hesitate to use the word ‘mistakes’ as that involves negative connotations and I have had enough of negativity… We artists are sensitive souls at the best of times, so we don’t need negativity thrown at us! Looking forward to getting…
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