February 2015 Well I have finished these two paintings.  The Tour Guide is 20 x 10″ and I have much enjoyed the use of colour here, but will not be painting a pavement square again for quite a long while if I can help it!  It is oil on board and unframed.  I have put it up on my website for £300. The other painting, Relaxing is a small study of 8 x 6″ and is one of a series of small works I am doing to keep me a bit more disciplined in my painting style.  With the bigger paintings I can get a bit too enthusiastic and throw paint around, sometimes to the detriment of the work, so every so often I get out the small brushes.  These small paintings are all oil on board and work out at £95 each, such a bargain…. I am now about to start my next painting, the image of which I hope will be used in the Blog of a very talented author and sensual poet (sometimes very sensual…ahem) but I love his writing.  Will keep you updated next Blog. I am available for Skype tutorials on a…
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New work in progress – 22 Jan 2015 Twitter: @MicheWatkins I have started two new pieces this week, as I was keen to use my new and wonderful Michael Harding paints. The colours are so bright and vibrant and coupled with my Rosemary & Co brushes which I also love, I was ready to get going. The first painting, The Tour Guide, is inspired by a photo I took when I was in Prague wandering around Old Square with my camera.  I spent a couple of hours just photographing people doing stuff and then saw this Tour Guide standing alone.  She looked to me a bit forlorn, waiting and hoping for people to come up to her, but maybe I imagined that – anyway it seemed to be a good composition in my head.  The umbrella was orange, so I took my inspiration from that.  I very rarely use browns and blacks in my work, preferring blues, purples and dark mauves to achieve similar effects.  Then I mix up the complementary colours to get the desired painting I am after – so in this case yellows and bright turquoise.  I am liking how this painting is turning out, but early days yet – time to make lots…
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Art Consultancy? New ideas for 2015

With a start of a new year and finally getting over long bout of flu I have been thinking of new ideas. Having looked around on YouTube I have decided to offer Skype art teaching on a one to one basis. So if any amateur artists would like to send me an image of a figurative painting they are working on in oils I could critique it and then have a Skype session with them for half a hour to point them in the right direction. There could be a follow up session a week later if they so desired. Skype is a brilliant way to teach this way and of course is world wide. Let me know your thoughts. I would charge £20 for the half hour and £15. for follow up. Payment is via PayPal which you can find via my website
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Latest paintings December 2014

I am painting a smaller series of paintings and much enjoying these. At the moment I am concentrating on women’s legs in some wonderful shoes as most women love shoes. These will all probably be 8 x 6″ and unframed for ease of posting. I am also just finishing a slightly larger painting entitled ‘Friday’ – that great feeling of the weekend coming up, so let’s celebrate with a cocktail. This painting is on a box frame and is slightly larger at 14″ x 10″. My larger figurative oil paintings are framed in white tray frames which compliment the vibrant colours I use in my work.  I have attached one image in my Recent Work on my website to show the framing and this is on The First Move.  The framed can of course be removed, paintings taken off their stretchers and rolled for easy transport by courier. The Line Art paintings are acrylic and I use a set design which can then be made larger or smaller to whatever requirement you are looking for. These are generally less expensive than the oils as they are quicker to paint. The cream and touch of red paint means that most Line…
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Vertical Image

Nulla scelerisque lobortis metus, eget vestibulum dui ullamcorper et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent bibendum, tortor in faucibus volutpat, massa odio sodales enim, eget vulputate nisi ipsum at leo. Duis risus nulla, consequat sed turpis id, dignissim lobortis lacus. Donec venenatis quam non pretium hendrerit. Nulla consequat dui neque, blandit pharetra metus aliquet id. Mauris volutpat auctor gravida. Cras odio ligula, accumsan ac eros a, laoreet dictum tellus. Suspendisse sodales mi eu nulla commodo commodo. Proin at volutpat lectus, aliquet consectetur augue.
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Horizontal Image

Etiam imperdiet ultrices fermentum. Nullam ornare orci sed velit tincidunt, ut pulvinar ipsum ornare. Etiam interdum egestas tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed elementum placerat tristique. In lobortis leo libero, ac commodo libero tempor nec. Phasellus metus nibh, tincidunt vel velit at, consectetur porttitor lectus. Duis eu nunc ut magna accumsan luctus id vitae turpis. Nullam tempus imperdiet nibh, eu egestas odio tempor a. Aliquam quis dui arcu.
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Vimeo Video Post

Vivamus aliquet nunc sed enim vehicula rutrum. Vestibulum vitae venenatis nisl, dapibus lobortis quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer gravida nec sapien nec sagittis. Aenean pharetra ut nunc sit amet tempus. Maecenas eu ligula at sapien porta pharetra. Adipiscing velit eget, egestas tortor. Aliquam porttitor metus et iaculis ultricies. Aliquam facilisis, nisl sit amet dignissim posuere, arcu magna tempor arcu, vitae sodales nisl lectus at nisl.
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Standard Image Post

Sed sollicitudin ultrices tempus. Nullam quis diam nunc. Donec rhoncus, odio auctor consectetur accumsan, erat ligula facilisis ligula, ac aliquam arcu est quis enim. Suspendisse vel aliquam metus, vel varius mi. Fusce at ornare turpis, a tincidunt nunc. Proin nisl massa, vulputate in leo a, sodales placerat risus. Curabitur eget velit risus. Vivamus turpis libero, congue et nisi eget, facilisis eleifend massa. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam at laoreet justo. Aenean hendrerit varius diam eu auctor. Nulla posuere dapibus quam a tincidunt.
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Image Post

Sed sit amet laoreet urna. Morbi lobortis, nisi in congue tincidunt, neque mauris aliquam lacus, quis sodales nibh diam ac purus. Mauris sagittis rhoncus volutpat. Maecenas scelerisque lacus nec purus ultricies placerat. Donec a aliquet nunc. In et convallis ligula. Curabitur quam lorem, accumsan eget tellus sed, pharetra tempus turpis. Integer vel commodo ante, eu viverra lacus. Curabitur egestas fringilla lorem eu vulputate. Phasellus mi justo, feugiat vel iaculis non, cursus at urna. Maecenas bibendum tempor quam, elementum elementum dolor suscipit a. Maecenas nisl massa, congue non ligula sit amet, rhoncus malesuada mi.
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Slider Post

Morbi gravida blandit eros vitae pellentesque. Morbi ultricies quam facilisis, tincidunt nunc vel, cursus libero. Nulla venenatis aliquet placerat. Curabitur eget elementum diam, et euismod lectus. Phasellus pharetra massa elit, nec tempus ante viverra quis. Proin pharetra, nunc in pulvinar suscipit, nunc dui porta nisl, sed aliquam justo ligula sed enim. Etiam accumsan sodales ipsum dictum dignissim. Donec ultrices eget ipsum id suscipit. Maecenas viverra at diam sed placerat. Ut turpis sapien, vestibulum id nunc id, hendrerit gravida est. Fusce rhoncus nisi id quam ornare sollicitudin. Duis euismod ultricies dolor, eget pellentesque arcu ultrices sit amet. Pellentesque habitant morbi.
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